Hot night

I was recently hired to perform and MC the local SHOW WAGON competition.    This is an talent show where children below the age of 18 can compete with others in their age group. I competed in one when I was a child.

But this MC event occurred on a very nasty hot and muggy night.    And as the MC, I had to stay on stage (although hidden) while each person performed, ready to intervene if something went wrong, the child “froze”, whatever.

So…the “Show wagon” is actually a pull along 20 foot trailer than has a door in the back, and the front folds down to make a stage.

This means that while I was hidden behind a fold in the curtains, I was experiencing ZERO breeze.  No cooling zephyrs for me.

It was stupidly hot and muggy, and sitting backstage was a misery….sweat running down my face, etc.   And I’d been smart enough to bring an ice chest with a baggie of ice, and a towel to keep it in, so I at least had SOME cooling mechanism available to me.

And you know what.   It was just as hot for those kids…who were dancing and singing and playing instruments for all they were worth.    And you couldn’t even tell they were warm.

And that’s the difference behind a job and a passion.