The loss of a friend

I attended a memorial of a friend that recently died.   She was a magic friend, as I met her and her husband back in the 1970’s sometime in the local magic club.

Super nice people.  They did a duo act, and she was the PERFECT assistant.

She was gorgeous, intelligent, clever (which is different), unflappable, and so nice.   On and off-stage.

So when she died, it really bothered me a lot.   So many of my magic friends have died, and I realize that my circle of friends is rapidly shrinking.

When Dick Oslund died (the world’s BEST school show magician), I felt as if my childhood had died.

Now I’m starting to feel like my adulthood is dying.   And I don’t like it.


This is exactly why I’ve been publishing my material on these past few years.   I don’t want the material that I spent months and years on just “disappearing” because I did.

I’d like to return to the magic community the same things that my heroes did.   I’d like to return knowledge, USABLE and PRACTICAL magic, and the information it takes to design routines for themselves.

Hopefully I’ve done that.